ADD Projekt d.o.o. Novi Sad
Your Reliable Partner
Our Services
ADD PROJEKT provides complete design, project and contract management and execution services for all civil and civil engineering projects up to the most complicated capital projects in the field of energy and low and medium voltage installations, as well as construction and design of fire alarms, telecommunication installations, access control systems, computer networks , intercom systems, etc.
In order for electrical installations to be carried out at a facility or complex, it is necessary to develop a project and technical documentation, which will contain all the requirements of the investor in relation to the purpose.
ADD Projekt doo Novi Sad performs electrical installation and other works in the field of energy, low and medium voltage installation as well as execution and design of fire alarms, telecommunication installations, access control systems, computer networks, intercom systems, transformer stations, etc.
The team of licensed engineers of ADD Projekt doo Novi Sad provides engineering and consulting services for projects in the field of electrical works in construction, in all stages of the work – from the initial drafts of the project to the technical acceptance of the facilities.
Why Us?

Knowledge of the local market and experience in numerous projects at home and abroad in conjunction with specialist knowledge and knowledge of comparative solutions in the world market, as well as fruitful cooperation with numerous institutions, companies and associates enable us to provide the highest quality support to business partners in achieving their goals.

Our team of experts and consultants has gained a wealth of experience and references through the experience of over twenty years of continuous work on the most demanding projects.

Reliability, quality of work and organization of the company lead to successful cooperation with numerous business partners. We are aware that only expert knowledge, continuous education and application of modern methods and world best practices in our business can make our business partners happy.

The goal of ADD projekt doo Novi Sad is a professionally done job, respecting deadlines and contractual obligations.

Dom zdravlja Novi Bečej
Rekonstrukcija, Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija.

Ambulanta u Gardinovcima i Loku
Rekonstrukcija, Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija

Hladnjača i destilerija Palić
Odgovorni izvodjač radova na elektro instalacijama niskog i srednjeg napona

JP Sportski centar Vojvodina - SPENS
Montaža trafo stanice 10kV/0,4kV, 1000kVA

Dom zdravlja u Šajkašu
Rekonstrukcija, Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija

Osnovna škola i fiskulturna sala "Svetozar Miletić" u Loku
Rekonstrukcija, Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija

TC "Promenada" Novi Sad
Odgovorni izvodjač radova elektro instalacija niskog i srednjeg napona

Osnovna škola u Vilovu
Rekonstrukcija, Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija

"Natural construction" d.o.o. Beograd
Periodično mesečno održavanje elektro, telekomunikacionih i signalnih instalacija u objektima “DEFACTO” u Srbiji

Opština Ruma
Projekat rekonstrukcije ulica 15. Maj i 15. Avgust, projekat rekonstrukcije ulične rasvete.

HTK "Fruške Terme"
Izvodjenje instalacija niskog i srednjeg napona, dojava požara.

Poreska uprava u Beogradu
Rekonstrukcija zgrade na Zelenom Vencu. Projektovanje i izrada projektno tehničke dokumentacije elektroenergetskih instalacija.
Others about us
Contact Us

Heroja Pinkija 2
21000 Novi Sad